Tuesday, January 22, 2008

22 days

So it's almost the end of the semester and my days in State College are numbered...We got news today that all of my visa stuff is at the Embassy, it's approved, so I should be getting that soon. It will be a relief when that's over with. I'm pretty sure everything else is handled too...like documents and health stuff for AFS. I'm actually really surprised, because I have my host family and my visa and I still have time before I leave. I'd figured that once I landed in Miami I would get all that stuff last minute. Even though all of that is straightened away, I feel even more stressed. I still have lots of work to do in the classes I have to keep taking when the semester is over. I have to finish that Culture-trek booklet. I should probably learn some more Spanish. And now I'm finally realizing everything that I'm leaving behind in State College. I'm leaving my parents, my friends, some of which will have graduated. When I get back everything will be different (or maybe exactly the same?). Ugh. Hopefully everything will have sorted itself out by then. With that, I'll leave you with some pics of my host sister. She's sooo adorable! And btw, that's not my host brother in the 1st foto, I don't know who he is, but it's such a good picture of her :-) She's on the right in the 2nd.


db. said...

Your host sister is so cute! I'm so excited for all of us... how old is she? And do you actually have a host brother?

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